strive upwards, reaching for the stars if you like, following a circular path. The Arrows can be viewed as space rockets being launched into orbit to illustrate the core purpose of academic guidance - helping students navigate among educational options and paths and thereby send them on their way to brilliant careers after completed studies. I further more designed printed matter for example roll ups, folders, leaflets, t-shirts and pins with the new graphic profile implemented.
The Student Careers Office is now self-propelled when it comes to working with the new profile, using the guidelines specifics for internal and external communication.
To attract more students and make them take advantage of its professional services, the Student Careers Office at the continuously expanding Malmö University opted for an image renewal. My guidelines for the design were to use only the
Studie- och karriärcenter, Malmö University
client work / visual identity
preset colours found in Malmö University's current graphic profile. It was also to reflect the careers office's activities and of course - make it attractive!
My first design draft was a symbol resembelling an antique globe with a compass - symbolizing
guidance and the world as ones playground. It was working quite well but I decided to simplify the designs somewhat.
I held on to the idea of a compass, latitudes and algorithms since I felt that those keywords represent the purpose of a guidance and careers centre. I kept on working with an idea of arrows and compass needles to symbolize navigation. This idea became the foundation for the final design draft regarding this project.
The finished design was based on a symbol consisting of one, as well as three arrows. They