bolizes a section which the department is working towards.
Graphically the hub can be viewed as a wrench - something to tweak and adjust the work between the sections. The hub also spells out the letters "I" and "U" (the initials for Innovation och Utveckling).
All colours I used in the graphic profile were
based on Malmö University's excisting profile except two. The two new colours I introduced to my design I motivated by proving a strong correlation between the colours and the university.
The finished logotype could easily be applied and implemented on all printed matter and by breaking it down, elements was used as decoration on office walls and windows. It certainly gave the office space new life and character!
client work / visual identity
Innovation och Utveckling, Malmö University
Innovation and Development is a department at Malmö University, responsible for alumni relations, interaction with the business community and entrepreneurship and entre-preneurs. For the academic year of 2008-2009 the department wanted a fresh innovative graphic profile for internal as well as external communication. It was to be applied to printed
printed matter and also used for interior decoration in the office.
At the time, when I began my design process, the city of Malmö was going through major changes regarding its infrastructure with the construction and building of the City Tunnel - a 'subway' in purpose of bringing Malmö and Copenhagen even closer together. I found inspiration is this project and started drawing sketches of subway grids. I saw a clear connection between the wast
network in which the department for Innovation and Development operates and an underground map with all its stops and 'hubs'. So, a ficticious subway grid to visualize I and D's role in the network was the starting point for designing the new graphic profile.
The finished symbol consists of six subway lines, all of them passing through a 'central station' and then sprawl in different directions. The central station, or 'hub' if you like, represents Innovation and Development and its main role in the grid while each subway line sym-